

Program Mission: 

Through career exploration, job shadows, internships, etc., BHS School-to-Career provides students with opportunities to acquire both essential occupational skills and academic competencies in real-world settings.  Students will be able to connect and apply what they have learned in school to their work in the local community, making learning more relevant and creating a smoother transition into the work force and/or education beyond.

Program Delivery:
  • Classroom Lessons:  All BHS students will have a Career Cruising account.  Mrs. Burke spends time in English classes to guide students through the program.  Career Cruising is accessible from home if a student already has an account.
  • Individual Sessions:  Mrs. Burke is available to any student seeking information about job shadows, internships, community service, interview adn employment preparation, resume building and job search.  Make an appointment through Mrs. Durand in the school counseling office.
  • School-Wide Initiatives:  The School-to-Career program also provides field trip opportunities to a variety of settings, guest speakers on campus, career and college fairs.
 Are you looking for Employment? 
Please check out or 

*  See Mrs. Burke for assistance with resumes, job applications, and/or mock interviews!

Are you looking for an Internship or Job Shadow? 

Please check out to test drive a career today!
Upcoming Community Service:  

Belmont PTO is looking for senior volunteers to help with elementary school vision screenings.  If you are interested, please contact Nicole Sturgeon at [email protected].

The PTO is looking for student volunteers to help with the Belmont Elementary School's Vision Screening on Friday, September 28th from 9 am -1 pm.  They are looking for volunteers to help walk students back and forth from classrooms.  Mrs. Ashey (the school nurse) would know more.  Interested students can contact Nicole at  [email protected] or Mrs Ashey at the elementary school.

Also looking into the future weeks we are looking for Volunteers for Fall Family Festival October 27th at BES from 9am-12pm to help run games, booths, crafts etc. 

This weekend two students needed for corn hole demo and supervision downtown.

Sunday, October 7, 3 – 5:30 pm At Tioga Pavilion on Mill St. Kickoff to 150th Celebration (2019) Sesquicentennial of Town of Belmont FREE Live Music, Obstacle Course, Hay Pile, Scavenger Hunt & More!  

Fundraising Opportunities

Harts Turkey Farm Restaurant is looking for student groups (16 or older) to help bus tables during the weekends of Sept. 29-30 and Oct. 6-8.  Each individual will receive $7.25/hour plus tips!

 Upcoming "FREE" Field Trips:  

*  9/27 - NH Construction Career Day

*  9/28 - UNH Ocean Discovery Day

* 10/? - Manufacturing MONTH - Tours will be scheduled with various local manufacturers to explore STEM up close!
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